On 25 April 2020, Sri Saradha Devi Charity and Welfare Association has organised a Blood Donation Drive in collaboration with Malaysian Advancement Party (MAP) Selangor, the National Blood Bank and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Ehsan Jaya. This campaign which started at 10am and ended at 3pm, was held at Dewan Kuil Sri Maha Mariamman, Batu 16 Rawang.
This initiative was taken as a measure to assist the National Blood Bank in obtaining blood supply. The hospitals and blood bank are in need of continuous blood supply to meet the demand and need.
We received an overwhelming response to the blood donation drive today. There were 70 participants who turned up for the event and 55 of them successfully donated after fulfilling all the requirements by blood bank. 
This campaign which was done following all protocols of the MCO and after obtaining proper approvals, was truly a success, all thanks the the generous donors who came forward in order to save lives. This campaign was also further graced by the presence of YB Senator P. Waythamoorthy, the National President of MAP and few other members.
We would like to once again take this opportunity to humbly thank all donors for their kindness, generosity and thoughtfulness. We would also like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the dedicated medical personnel from National Blood Bank who showed utmost care towards all donors, to the Management of Kuil Sri Maha Mariamman for providing us with the hall to run the campaign and also for IPD Gombak for ensuring the safety and and security during the campaign.
We hereby would like to request and encourage the public to come forward and donate at any of your nearest blood donate campaign to assist the National Blood Bank in meeting their need.
When You Donate Blood, You're Donating A Life... Be A Life-Saver Today!
