Let's Learn 3D Jelly Art!

On 29 March 2019, Madam Karene and her team from the WHET Academy conducted a Jelly Art Class for the children of Sri Saradha Devi Ashram. The class was conducted at their academy in Setia Alam. This was part of the school holiday program for our children.

During the 4-hour class, children were taught on the concepts and methods of creating the 3D jelly. It was a fantastic new learning experience that is self-satisfying.... it is so much fun and exciting😊!
Known as 3D jelly cakes, these confections are made with gelatin or seaweed jelly powder and use specific tools to inject colorful motifs onto a clear base. There are a few components needed to produce one: the first is colored milk (or alternatives like coconut milk); the second is a clear canvas for the flowers to be injected into; and finally, a colored base to complete it.
We thank Madam Karene and her team for sharing the knowledge of this wonderful art with our children☺!
